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Showing posts from January, 2019

Classical Mechanic by Prof. Noman Siddiqui ; Notes and solution mannual free Download pdf

  Dear students! I hope you all fine..! today I'm gonna provide the Best notes for BSC's (double maths) students. Classical mechanics by Tom W.B Kibbie Don't be worry here are all topics of Classical Mechanics, required in BSC Syllabus. Here are the contents. CONTENTS; Mechanics Kinematics Dynamics Statics Rigid Body Motion Rigid Body Displacement Translational Motion Rotational Motion Chasles’ Theorem Angular Equation motion Screw Motion Moment of Inertia (Rotational Inertia) Momentum Wallis Formula’s Perpendicular axis theorem K.E in general motion Momental Ellipsoid Equimomental System Principle axis Theorem (Existence of Principle axis theorem) Working rule of finding Principle M.I and Principle Axis Spherical Top Symmetrical Top Asymmetrical top Rotor Euler’s Dynamical equations Mechanics Kinematics Dynamics Statics Rigid Body Motion Rigid Body Displacement Translational Motion Rotational Motion Chasles’ Theorem Angular Equa

Linear algebra by Larry E. Knop; Keybook and bachelor of science notes. How to Download Free

Hello everyone! Myself Zeeshan haider,               Today I brought notes of Group theory for BSC's students.  HERE ARE THE CONTENTS OF THE NOTES. CONTENTS; Groups; definition and examples Double coset, related theorem Normalizer, definition and related theorems Centralizer, centre of group, related theorem Conjugate or transform of a group, definition and related theorems Self conjugate, conjugancy class, related theorem Class equation, p-group, definition and related theorems Conjugate subgroup, definition and related theorems Normal subgroup, definition and related theorems Factor or quotient group, definition and related theorem 1st isomorphism theorem, related theorem 2nd isomorphism theorem 3rd isomorphism theorem Endomorphism, automorphism, definition and related theorem Conjugation as an automorphism Inner and outer automorphism, definition and related theorems Commutator of a group, definition and related theorem Derive group or commutative group, definition and related t