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Keybook Infinite Series and Powers by Steven Strogatz ; How to illustrate the Power of Infinity.

How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of Universe.


“If calculus is the language of the universe,then Steven Strogatz is its Homer. With verve, insight, and simplicity, he explains the deep ideas underlying one of humankind’s greatestn Itellectual achievements. In nite Powers is an incalculable pleasure.”


author of Stumbling on HappinessIn nite Powers recounts how calculusa Intalized and thrilled its inventors, starting with its  rst glimmers in ancient Greece and bringing us right up to the discovery of gravitational waves (a phenomenon predicted by calculus).

 Strogatz reveals how this form of math rose to the challenges of each age: how to determine the area of a circle with only sand and a stick; how to explain why Mars goes “backwards” sometimes; how to make electricity with magnets; how to en￾sure your rocket doesn’t miss the moon; how to turn the tide in the  ght against AIDS. 


1: As should be obvious by now, I’ll be giving an applied mathemati￾cian’s take on the story and significance of calculus. A historian of mathematics would tell it differently. So would a pure mathematician. 

2: Phenomena out there guide the mathematical questions we ask; conversely, the math we imagine sometimes foreshadows what actually happens out there in reality. 

3: Embracement of all kinds of subjects: philosophy, politics, science, history, medicine, all of it. That’s the story I want to tell the world according to calculus.

4:This is a much broader view of calculus than usual. It encom￾passes the many cousins and spinoffs of calculus, both within math￾ematics and in the adjacent disciplines.

5: Take the story of wireless communication. It began with the dis￾covery of the laws of electricity and magnetism by scientists like Mi￾chael Faraday and André-Marie Ampère. 

6: The possibility of wireless communication would never have been realized. So, obviously, experimental physics was indispensable here.

7: The infinity principle.

8: The Golem of Infinity.

9: Curves, Motion amd Changes.

10:Admittedly, some aspects of our ever-changing world lie beyond the approximations and wishful thinking inherent in the Infinity principle. 


It’s incredible but true: Even in the subatomic realm where New￾tonian physics breaks down, Newtonian calculus still works. In fact,it works spectacularly well. As we’ll see in the pages ahead, it has teamed up with quantum mechanics to predict the remarkable efects that underlie medical imaging, from MRI and CT scans to the more exotic positron emission tomography.

To download the complete book Click here 




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